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Application Tracking via FairShare Content

10:43 PM, Posted by lasil, No Comment

Fairshare is a content tracking application that reliability be calculated, because the function of this service allows us (as owner of the article) to track anyone who is doing a Copy-Paste (copas) on any posts or overall just mengutipnya the setengah2. Applications Fairshare newly published early in 2009 is, of course, bring fresh wind to the original content owners. We do not need to do extra work with the tracking manually, and let the Fairshare do this task for you. You just wait for the report are regularly each time found the target through Fairshare Rss Feed address is listed on the first Fairshare.

Fairshare in works by analyzing a large amount of text that is published via Rss feed address. Overview of the work is similar to the way CopyScape but very different results in the report. Each of the reports that show more detailed Fairshare visible, from the target URL address, Title whatever that has been duplicated, the article% similar to the original content, how many characters that have been in Copas, whether the Peng-copas provide backlink or not , and the reports whether the article is also duplicated ad embedded therein.
